<br><br> Dear all Wien2k users<div> I want to investigate the hyperfine parameters, such as isomer shift (<font size="4">IS</font>), magenetic hyperfine fields (<font size="4">B</font>contact,<font size="4">B</font>orb,<font size="4">B</font>dip), quadrupole splitting (<b>e</b><font size="4">QV</font>zz). However, in my result, I only find the quantities of <font size="4">EFG</font> and <font size="4">HFF</font> in case.scfm. I also need <span></span><font size="4">B</font>orb, <font size="4">B</font>dip quantities, can someone tell me how to find these quantities in my output files? Maybe my calculation process of hyperfine parameters are wrong ( I add the file case.indm, case.inorb and case.indipan to run SCF calculation ), I need someone give me details about how to calculate these hyperfine parameters, thank you very much !</div><div><br></div><div>cevo4.indm</div><div><div>-9. &nbs!
p; Emin cutoff energy</div><div> 1 number of atoms for which density matrix is calculated</div><div> 1 1 3 index of 1st atom, number of L's, L1</div><div> </div><div> 3 3 (5) r-index, (l,s)index </div><div><br></div><div> </div></div><div>cevo4.inorb</div><div><div> 1 1 0 nmod, natorb, ipr</div><div>PRATT 1.0 BROYD/PRATT, mixing</div><div> 1 1 3 iatom nlorb, lorb</div><div> </div><div> 1 nsic 0..AFM, 1..SI!
C, 2..HFM</div><div> 0.44 0.00 U J (Ry) Note: we recommend to use U_eff = U-J and J=0</div></div><div><br></div><div>cevo4.indipan
</div><div><div>160. 0 Rmax (a.u.); iprint</div><div> 0.69446 magnetic moment of 1st atom (:MMI001)</div><div> 0.03387 magnetic moment of 2nd atom (:MMI002)</div><div> 0.01272 magnetic moment of 3nd atom (:MMI003)</div><div> 0.00907 magnetic moment of 4nd atom (:MMI004)</div><div> 1077.1 Volume of unit cell (:VOL)</div><div> 2 ndir</div><div> 1. 0. 0. 1st direction of magnetic moment </div><div> 0. 0. 1. 2nd direction of magnetic moment</div></div><div><br></div><div>best regard</div><br><br><br>