<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Dear All Wien2k users,<br><br></div>We want to calculate the band structure of LaCoO3 compound. The space group of this compound is R-3c (No. 167). In the Wien2k user manual, it is suggested for R lattice to use rhombohedral coordinates. Therefore we made the case.structure file using lattice parameters a=b= 10.2541 Bohr, c= 24.5494, alpha=beta=90 degree, gamma = 120 degree, and converted rhombohedral coordinates for each atom. When we try to make case.klist_band file by selecting the case.structure folder path in xcrysden, it says " the guessed bravais lattice type: not supported (the XSF's group number is 7). We tried the two different way to get the case.klist_band as follows:<br><br></div>1) Firstly, we have changed the lattice parameters in case.structure file in accordance to rhombohedral structure. We thought if the lattice parameters and atomic coordinate both will be accordance to rhombohedral then xcrysden can recognize the case.struct file. But again case.struct file does not recognized by xcrysden.<br><br></div>2) Secondly, we took the hcp.klist file given in wien2k SRC folder, which is as follows:<br>GAMMA 0 0 0 40 2.0-0.5 1.5 Template for hcp structure<br> 1 0 0 40 2.0<br> 2 0 0 40 2.0<br> 3 0 0 40 2.0<br> 4 0 0 40 2.0<br> 5 0 0 40 2.0<br> 6 0 0 40 2.0<br> 7 0 0 40 2.0<br> 8 0 0 40 2.0<br> 9 0 0 40 2.0<br>SIGMA 10 0 0 40 2.0<br> 11 0 0 40 2.0<br> 12 0 0 40 2.0<br> 13 0 0 40 2.0<br> 14 0 0 40 2.0<br> 15 0 0 40 2.0<br> 16 0 0 40 2.0<br> 17 0 0 40 2.0<br> 18 0 0 40 2.0<br> 19 0 0 40 2.0<br>M 20 0 0 40 2.0<br> 29 2 0 60 2.0<br> 28 4 0 60 2.0<br> 27 6 0 60 2.0<br> 26 8 0 60 2.0<br> 25 10 0 60 2.0<br> 24 12 0 60 2.0<br> 23 14 0 60 2.0<br> 22 16 0 60 2.0<br> 21 18 0 60 2.0<br>K 20 20 0 60 2.0<br> 19 19 0 60 2.0<br> 18 18 0 60 2.0<br> 17 17 0 60 2.0<br> 16 16 0 60 2.0<br> 15 15 0 60 2.0<br> 14 14 0 60 2.0<br> 13 13 0 60 2.0<br> 12 12 0 60 2.0<br> 11 11 0 60 2.0<br>LAMBDA10 10 0 60 2.0<br> 9 9 0 60 2.0<br> 8 8 0 60 2.0<br> 7 7 0 60 2.0<br> 6 6 0 60 2.0<br> 5 5 0 60 2.0<br> 4 4 0 60 2.0<br> 3 3 0 60 2.0<br> 2 2 0 60 2.0<br> 1 1 0 60 2.0<br>GAMMA 0 0 0 60 2.0<br> 0 0 1 20 2.0<br> 0 0 2 20 2.0<br> 0 0 3 20 2.0<br> 0 0 4 20 2.0<br>DELTA 0 0 5 20 2.0<br> 0 0 6 20 2.0<br> 0 0 7 20 2.0<br> 0 0 8 20 2.0<br> 0 0 9 20 2.0<br>A 0 0 10 20 2.0<br>END<br><br></div>We renamed this hcp.klist file as case.klist_band and used it for band structure calculation. The calculated band structure gives the indirect band gap which is almost equal to the band gap obtained from SCF calculation.<br><br></div>My question is, whether we can use the hcp.klist (given in Wien2k SRC folder) as case.klist_band for band structure calculation if the compound have R-3c space group and having the hexagonal lattice parameter and rhombohedral atomic coordinate in the case.struct file. Please let me know I am doing right or there is some different way to do it. <br></div>