[Wien] error message from running "x supercell"

Bing Zhou umbingz at cc.umanitoba.ca
Mon Dec 6 17:52:42 CET 2004

Dear all,

I tried to produce a supercell to accomdate the disorder of H in the unit
cell, after I use 2 cells in x-direction while 1 for y and z directions,
the computer shows the fellowing message for all the atoms in the unit
cell as:

ERROR: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file

I was also told:

Too many words from ``

ERROR:: Too many arguments.

Could you please let me know how to remedy the problem? thank you in

Best wishes!

Bing Zhou
Dept. of Geol. Sc.
The Univ. of Manitoba
Canada R3T 2N2
Tel: (204)474-8395

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