[Wien] optics code

Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl claudia.ambrosch at uni-graz.at
Fri Mar 5 15:28:04 CET 2004

Dear WIEN users,

I would like to let you know that we have submitted
a detailed publication about the formalism of the optical
properties within the LAPW method as it is implemented
in the WIEN2k code. It contains a summary of the theory
behind, the formulas corresponding to the (L)APW basis,
and some examples for simple metals including symmetry
considerations and convergence test. You find the
manuscript on the condmat server, i.e. cond-mat/0402523.
Please, refer to this paper when you publish your results
done within the optics package of WIEN.

Best regards,
Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl

Institut f. Theoretische Physik, University Graz
Universitätsplatz 5, A-8010 Graz
Tel. [43] (316) 380-5235    Fax [43] (316) 380-9820

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