[Wien] total DOS error message

Sergio L. Palacios Diaz sergio at pinon.ccu.uniovi.es
Tue Oct 19 12:28:10 CEST 2004

Hello Wien2k users!

When I try to calculate total DOS for fcc-Fe using w2web I get the
following error message for SPIN UP case. However, when I do the same
for SPIN DOWN everything works fine. I am puzzled.

PGFIO-F-231/formatted read/unit=4/error on data conversion.
 File name = vol_3.66.qtlup    formatted, sequential access   record = 1346
 In source file tetra.f, at line number 171
0.020u 0.000s 0:00.00 0.0%	0+0k 0+0io 161pf+0w

How can I fix this problem?

Dr. Sergio L. Palacios
Profesor Titular de Física Aplicada
Dpto. de Física--Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Oviedo
C/ Calvo Sotelo s/n
Oviedo 33007
Phone: +34 98 5 10 28 48
Fax: +34 98 5 10 33 24
e-mail: sergio at pinon.ccu.uniovi.es; slpalacios at uniovi.es

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