[Wien] Re: lapw2 missing

Michel Jaouen Michel.Jaouen at univ-poitiers.fr
Thu Feb 24 15:52:56 CET 2005

	Hi Dr. Marks,

>You need to check that sortag.o is included correctly in the Makefile; it
>was accidently left out of Makefile.orig. (Peter does an amazing job
>maintaining things, but everyone is human.)

I agree. Anyhow, my Makefile is as follows:

.SUFFIXES:      .F
.SUFFIXES:      .F90
SHELL = /bin/sh
FC = lf95
MPF = lf95
CC = gcc
FOPT =  --nfix -O
FPOPT =  --nfix -O
DParallel = '-DParallel'
LDFLAGS = -L../SRC_lib
R_LIBS = -llapack_lapw -lblas_lapw -llapack_lapw -lblas_lapw
RP_LIBS = $(R_LIBS) -L /usr/local/SCALAPACK -L /usr/local/BLACS/LIB 
-lpblas -lredist -ltools -lscalapack -lfblacs -lblacs -lmpi

R_EXECNAME = lapw2
C_EXECNAME = lapw2c
RP_EXECNAME = lapw2_mpi
CP_EXECNAME = lapw2c_mpi



#  Object files common to both REAL and COMPLEX type subroutines
OBJS    =  cputim.o reallocate.o modules.o abc.o  atpar.o c3fft.o charge.o \
            csplit.o dfrad.o d5splt.o dergl.o deter.o diracout.o dvbes1.o \
            errclr.o errflg.o essl.o f7splt.o fermi.o fermi5.o fomai1.o \
            fomai2.o fomai3.o fourir.o fsumai1.o gaunt.o getfft.o gtfnam.o \
            harmon.o ifflim.o inouh.o inth.o kdelta.o l2main.o lapw2.o \
            latgen.o lomain.o mag.o mknam.o notri.o open_helpfile.o 
outerr.o outp.o outwin.o \
            p3splt.o ph.o psplit.o read_vec.o recfil.o recpr.o rint13.o \
            rotate.o rotdef.o setfft1.o setfft2.o sphbes.o spline.o stern.o \
            sumupfft.o t3j.o t3j0.o vdrho.o xsplt.o ylm.o sortag.o?

RC_OBJS = modules.o reallocate.o essl.o fourir.o fsumai1.o l2main.o lapw2.o \
           read_vec.o setfft1.o setfft2.o

SP_OBJS = reallocate.o atpar.o fourir.o gtfnam.o l2main.o lapw2.o modules.o \

OBJSMOD = abc.o atpar.o charge.o csplit.o d5splt.o dergl.o diracout.o \
           f7splt.o fermi.o fermi5.o fomai1.o fomai2.o fomai3.o fourir.o \
           fsumai1.o getfft.o gtfnam.o harmon.o inouh.o inth.o kdelta.o \
           l2main.o lapw2.o latgen.o lomain.o outp.o outwin.o p3splt.o \
           psplit.o recfil.o recpr.o rint13.o read_vec.o rotdef.o setfft1.o \
           setfft2.o stern.o vdrho.o xsplt.o ylm.o sortag.o

I found sortag.o just the line above: does it means I must add it to 
OBJS (in red above)? Is yes, I assume I only have to do a Make in the 
SRC_lapw2 folder, I'm correct?

Thanks for your advice.

Michel Jaouen

  Michel Jaouen
  Universite de Poitiers - UFR Sciences - SP2MI
  Boulevard Pierre et Marie Curie - Teleport 2
  BP 30179
  86962 Futuroscope - Chasseneuil Cedex
  Tel : (33) 5 49 49 67 37
  Fax : (33) 5 49 49 66 92
  e-mail : Michel.Jaouen at univ-poitiers.fr
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