[Wien] SO calculations in hexagonal systems

thomas.mazet Thomas.Mazet at lcsm.uhp-nancy.fr
Thu Sep 22 12:54:54 CEST 2005

Dear users and developers,

 According to previous e-mail there is a bug when including SO 
interactions in hexagonal systems for certain directions of the 
magnetization M (it is wrote something like 'this bug occurs e.g. for M 
along [100] or [010]').
 I would like to know if this bug occurs as soon as we put M in the (001) 
plane or only for certain directions of M in the (001) plane ?



Thomas MAZET
Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide Minéral (UMR 7555)
Université Henri Poincaré-Nancy I
BP 239 54506 Vandoeuvre les Nancy Cedex
Tel.: +33-(0)3-83-68-46-77
Fax : +33-(0)3-83-68-46-11

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