[Wien] Still problem with CLMSUM

Martin Kroeker martin at ruby.chemie.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Mar 22 15:51:19 CET 2006

>However, I did find one problem that occurs in the compilation (a
>warning). The message is "incompatible implicit declaration" this refers
>to exit in the d1mach.c file. Could these maybe be the cause of the
>problems that I have been seeing.

This (only) suggests that dlmach.c is missing an "#include <stdlib.h>",
so there is no prototype for the standard "exit()" function and the compiler
complains that the (C standard) default function properties to not fit its 
actual usage. 
In itself this is harmless, there is just a very tiny chance that
some of the other declarations present in stdlib.h would solve your problem.

I would rather suspect a (wien, compiler or library) bug that perhaps only 
shows up on 64 bit - or even only intel em64t -  systems. Did you try
running one of the problematic calculations on a different box ?

Dr. Martin Kroeker            martin at ruby.chemie.uni-freiburg.de
c/o Prof.Dr. Caroline Roehr
Institut fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie der Universitaet Freiburg

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