[Wien] Compiling Wien under Linux on PowerPC

Dr. Grigori V. Vajenine G.Vajenine at fkf.mpg.de
Fri Oct 6 11:29:56 CEST 2006

Dear All,

I have some problems installing the latest version of Wien on our computer:
IBM JS20 PPC 970 Power Blades
System: SLES 8 for PowerPC
Compilers: xlf version 8.1, xlc version 6.0
memory 4GB

Following compiling options were used (file OPTIONS):

current:FOPT:-O3 -w -qarch=auto
current:FPOPT:-O5 -qarch=pwr5 -q64
current:R_LIBS:-lessl -llapack_lapw
current:RP_LIBS:-L /usr/local/SCALAPACK -L /usr/local/BLACS/LIB -lpblas 
-lredist -ltools -lscalapack -lfblacs -lblacs -lmpi

compilation resulted in a few error messages by compiling the source in 
SRC_aim, SRC_broadening, SRC_eosfit6, and SRC_pairhess (the compile.msg 
files are attached)

it was suggested to me that the program should still run though some 
functions (e.g. charge distribution) would not work.

most program parts indeed appear to run (using the standard TiC case as 
an example), except for nn, kgen, and lapw2, which all produce 
segmentation fault (lapw0 and lapw1 do run); no errors were reported by 
compiling these programs however!

the first two (nn and kgen) run normally if compiled with -O0 in the 
first line of options, but in the case of lapw2 this does not help.

another suggestion was we should update our compilers (e.g. to xlf 9.1 
with SLES 9). Before we do this (it means some work for our system 
administrator and interruptions for other users) I wanted to ask for 
your opinion if the update is likely to help. Other suggestions are also 

Thanks in advance!

Grigori Vajenine
Email: G.Vajenine at fkf.mpg.de
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