[Wien] EFG interpretation
Vidya Ravindran
vidya.ravindran at kjemi.uio.no
Thu Aug 16 12:21:52 CEST 2007
Dear Wien-users,
Could you kindly help me to interpret the EFG data. I describe
my problem in the following.
I am working on a complex oxide which has Fe in 2 different
co-ordinations and different valence states.
The Vzz and EFG values are:
Atom Vzz(*.output2up) :VZZ(*.scf) :EFG(*.scf)
Fe1 2.24055 2.22602 1.61974*10**21V/m**2
Fe2 0.76251 0.76631 -5.23282*10**21V/m**2 ---> ???
I don't understand why the Vzz values in *.output2up and *.scf files
are similar whereas :EFG is very different. In the example (for Indium) in the
userguide these values are quite similar.
Could you kindly explain me why these values are different?
Or am I doing anything wrong?
I am grateful to your kind help.
Best Regards,
P.S.: I have used the script "runsp_lapw -p -so -orb -cc 0.0001
and *.output2up is obtained with using EFG tag instead of TOT in
*.in2 file.
Dr. R. Vidya,
Post Doctoral Researcher
Department of Chemistry &
Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology
University of Oslo, PO Box 1033 |Tel: +47 228 55606
Blindern, N-0315 OSLO, NORWAY |Fax: +47 228 55441/5565
Email: ravindran.vidya at kjemi.uio.no |
URL: http://folk.uio.no/~ravindrv |
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