[Wien] short-term position in Leuven

Stefaan Cottenier Stefaan.Cottenier at fys.kuleuven.be
Wed Jan 3 11:16:29 CET 2007

Dear wien2k community,

A short-term position might become available in Leuven (Belgium) for 6 
months, starting early in 2007 (details can be negotiated). The project 
involves LAPW as well as pseudopotential calculations. Regarding the 
short duration, preference will be given to a postdoc or mature PhD 
student. It is not yet sure whether the position effectively will be 
granted, and that will partly depend on the availability of a suitable 
candidate. Contact stefaan.cottenier -at- fys.kuleuven.be if you are 
interested (please DO NOT REPLY to the wien2k mailing list).

Best regards,
Stefaan Cottenier


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