[Wien] compilation WIEN2k_07

Tobias Burnus burnus at net-b.de
Mon Jul 30 17:56:52 CEST 2007


Hyunjin Ko schrieb:
> and after the end of the compilation
>  > Compile time errors (if any) were:
>  > SRC_aim/compile.msg:make[1]: *** [aim] Error 1
You have to look in to these files to find the actual error, e.g.
opening it, searching for "Error 1" and then look a few lines above for
which compilation command it fails with which message.

Additionally, you should tell us which compiler (version and options)
you are using. The options can be found in the files
COMPILER COMPILERC and OPTIONS. The compiler version can be (usually)
found running the compiler with the "-v" or "-V" option.


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