[Wien] compilation WIEN2k_07

Hyunjin Ko jinizoa at iastate.edu
Mon Jul 30 18:10:52 CEST 2007

I will try to do that...


we have gfortran and ifort 10.0 and I used ifort 10.0

with MKL 9.1


At 10:56 AM 7/30/2007, you wrote:
>Hyunjin Ko schrieb:
> > and after the end of the compilation
> >
> >  > Compile time errors (if any) were:
> >  > SRC_aim/compile.msg:make[1]: *** [aim] Error 1
> >
>You have to look in to these files to find the actual error, e.g.
>opening it, searching for "Error 1" and then look a few lines above for
>which compilation command it fails with which message.
>Additionally, you should tell us which compiler (version and options)
>you are using. The options can be found in the files
>COMPILER COMPILERC and OPTIONS. The compiler version can be (usually)
>found running the compiler with the "-v" or "-V" option.
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>Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

Hyunjin Ko
Department of Chemistry
Iowa State University
3661 Gilman Hall
jinizoa at iastate.edu 

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