[Wien] number of electrons in valence band

hossien rahnama h_rahnamay at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 15 12:46:36 CEST 2007

Dear Wien2k users,
  Thanks a lot for your attentions. I want to calculate, number of electrons in valence band for In2O3 with 80 atoms in unit cell. How can I calculate, the number of electrons in valence band for In2O3?
  Thank you for any suggestion in advanced.

Hossein Asghar Rahnamaye Aliabad(PH.D Student)
Electroceramic and Material Laboratory
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Phone:  +98 511 8644047
Web: www.um.ac.ir
Email: ho_ra71 at stu-mail.um.ac.ir, h_rahnamay at yahoo.com
Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 
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