[Wien] plotting FS

hpang@lzu.edu.cn hpang at lzu.edu.cn
Tue Mar 18 11:53:16 CET 2008

Dear Wien2k users,

I meet a problem when plotting Fermi–surface (FS). I have installed all softwares needed to plot FS. And I performed all steps according to the userguide but failed. 

I think I have something worry in the input file "case.spaghetti_ene". I am not sure about the means of parameters like ‘NX, NY, x-len ,y-len, NX-inter ,NY-inter, Invers, Flip’, but they are needed to be inserted in "case.spaghetti_ene". It is said the x-len and y-len can be found in "case.spaghetti_ene", but where? 
And when I set Nx=Ny=100, it doesn't generate the files of fort.11, fort.12, ...... When I set Nx=Ny=10, it says “Error reading file. Propably wrong mesh".
I am very worried about this. Truly need your help and thanks very much. 

Yours sincerely, 

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