[Wien] help

arqum hashmi arqumhashmi at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 27 03:14:08 CET 2011

dear users 
thanks ABO
when i used your recommended options at the end i find these errors. plz guide me how i solved these errors. like 
Compiler Option: mpiifort
C Compiler Option: mpicc
Parallel f90 compiler: mpiifort
Compile time errors (if any) were:
SRC_lapw0/compile.msg:make[1]: *** [lapw0_mpi] Error 1
SRC_lapw0/compile.msg:make: *** [para] Error 2
SRC_lapw1/compile.msg:make[1]: *** [lapw1_mpi] Error 1
SRC_lapw1/compile.msg:make: *** [rp] Error 2
SRC_lapw1/compile.msg:make[1]: *** [lapw1c_mpi] Error 1
SRC_lapw1/compile.msg:make: *** [cp] Error 2
pleses help me to resolved these errors or please tell me are these serious errors
thanks and regards
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