[Wien] Xcrygen compilation

Gavin Abo gsabo at crimson.ua.edu
Wed Jul 16 22:04:11 UTC 2014

Can you tell us what kind of systems this happens on and what the errors 
are?  The information might be helpful to others.

I had xcrysden-1.5.53-linux_x86_64-semishared.tar.gz installed on a 
ubuntu 64 bit 14.04 LTS system.  I just downloaded 
xcrysden-1.5.60-linux_x86_64-semishared.tar.gz from the xcrysden 
website, extracted it with "tar xvf 
xcrysden-1.5.60-linux_x86_64-semishared.tar.gz", removed the xcrysden 
block in .bashrc for 1.5.53, ran xcConfigure.sh in the bin folder of the 
xcrysden installation to create a new xcrysden block for 1.5.60 in 
.bashrc, reloaded the new .bashrc settings (by closing terminal and 
opening a new one), and finally I ran xcrysden.  It opens fine without 
any errors, but maybe I have to do other things to encounter the 
problems that you refer to.

> Has anyone worked through a .configure (or similar) script for 
> Xcrygen. The shared & semishared versions on the web page are not that 
> compatible with recent systems, and I hate (am too lazy) to start 
> editing makefiles by hand.

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