[Wien] DOS and Bandstructure not matching for nonmagnetic GGA+U+SOC calculations

Anup Shakya npshakya31 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 09:08:50 CEST 2018

Dear Prof. Laurence,

Thanks for the reply. Yes I had used "orb" in both x lapw1 -band -up/dn.
I used the command as suggested by you but I have one query as to whether I
should combine SO and U for spaghetti or not?

x lapw1 -band -up
x lapw1 -band -dn
x lapwso -orb -up
x spaghetti -up -orb -so ???

Similarly I had used the following commands for DOS.

x lapw2 -qtl -so -up -orb
x tetra -up -so -orb
x lapw2 -qtl -dn -so  -orb
x tetra -so -dn -orb

So, for the DOS plots also should I use "orb" and "SO" for only
x tetra -so -up -orb and remove "orb" from x lapw2 -qtl -up/dn??
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Anup Pradhan Sakhya (Ph.D.)
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