[Wien] Jeff=1/2 and 3/2 states using case.cf files

William Lafargue-dit-Hauret william.lafargue-dit-hauret at univ-rennes1.fr
Wed Jan 30 01:59:33 CET 2019

Dear Wien2k users,

I am studying the Jeff = 1/2 and 3/2 states of an iridate compound. More 
specifically, I would like to evidence them into bandstructure and/or DOS.

I found in the mailing-list the following messages, posted 5 years ago :


which mentionned that it is possible to specify (explicitly) the 
splitting into case.cfXX files (XX being the atom with qsplit = 6 into 
the case.inq file).

I need your help to know whether I have written it in a proper way.

For example, let's consider the state |1/2,1/2> = [ 2i/sqrt(6) Y_2^-1 ] 
+ [ i/sqrt(6) (Y_2^-2 - Y_2^2) ]. The first and second terms are 
associated to spin down and up, respectively.

In such a case, I would describe this state as :

=>  0. 1/sqrt(6)  0. 0.  0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -1/sqrt(6)     0. 0. 0. 
2/sqrt(6) 0. 0.  0. 0.  0. 0.

Moreover, some * marks are present into the example files. The comment 
file, located in the SRC_qtl directory, mentions that they "have meaning 
when SUMA is in line 1 case.inq". But such line seems to be deprecated, 
isn't it ?

Thank you for your help.



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