[Wien] parallel ssh error
Gavin Abo
gsabo at crimson.ua.edu
Sat Sep 28 20:18:17 CEST 2019
After you set both "SendEnv *" and "AcceptEnv *", did you restart the
sshd service [1]? The following illustrates steps that might help you
verify that WIENROOT appears on a remote vlsi node:
username at computername:~$ echo $WIENROOT
username at computername:~$ export WIENROOT=/servernode1
username at computername:~$ echo $WIENROOT
username at computername:~$ ssh vlsi
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-64-generic x86_64)
Last login: Sat Sep 28 12:04:07 2019 from xxx.x.x.x
username at computername:~$ echo $WIENROOT
username at computername:~$ exit
Connection to vlsi closed.
username at computername:~$ sudo gedit /etc/ssh/ssh_config
[sudo] password for username:
username at computername:~$ sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
username at computername:~$ grep SendEnv /etc/ssh/ssh_config
username at computername:~$ grep AcceptEnv /etc/ssh/sshd_config
username at computername:~$ ssh vlsi
username at computername:~$ echo $WIENROOT
username at computername:~$ exit
On 9/28/2019 11:22 AM, Indranil mal wrote:
> Sir I have tried with " SetEnv * " Still nothing is coming with echo
> commad and user name by mistake I posted wrong Otherwise no issue
> with user name and I have set the parallel options file taksset "no"
> and remote options are 1 1 in server and client machines.
> On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 11:36 Gavin Abo, <gsabo at crimson.ua.edu
> <mailto:gsabo at crimson.ua.edu>> wrote:
>> Respected Sir, In my linux(Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) in ssh_config, and
>> in sshd_config there are two line already "SendEnv LANG LC_*"
>> "AcceptEnv LANG LC_*" respectively.
> The "LANG LC_*" probably only puts just the local language
> variables in the remote environment. Did you follow the previous
> advice [1] of trying to use "*" to put all variables from the
> local environment?
> [1]
> https://www.mail-archive.com/wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/msg19049.html
>> However, ssh vsli1 'echo $WIENROOT' gives nothing (blank).
> That seems to be the main cause of the problem as it should not
> return (blank) but needs to return "/servernode1" as you
> previously mentioned [2].
> [2]
> https://www.mail-archive.com/wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/msg19036.html
> Perhaps the message below is a clue. It you had set the WIENROOT
> variable in .bashrc of your /home/vlsi accounts on each system,
> you likely have to login and use that same /home/vlsi account on
> the head node as the output below seems to indicate login to a
> different /home/niel account. Alternatively, setting the WIENROOT
> variable in .bashrc of all /home/niel accounts on each node might
> work too.
>> The command ssh vsli1 'pwd $WIENROOT' print "/home/vlsi" the
>> common home directory and
>> ssh vlsi1 "env"
>> ...
>> USER=niel
>> PWD=/home/niel
>> HOME=/home/niel
>> ...
>> this is similar as server, and other nodes.
>> Sir After changing the parallel option file in $WIENROOT in
>> server to
>> setenv TASKSET *"yes" from "no"*
>> if ( ! $?USE_REMOTE ) setenv USE_REMOTE 1
>> if ( ! $?MPI_REMOTE ) setenv MPI_REMOTE 1
>> setenv DELAY 0.1
>> setenv SLEEPY 1
>> setenv WIEN_MPIRUN "mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_"
>> setenv CORES_PER_NODE 1
>> the error is not coming but the program is not increasing steps
>> after lapw0 it stuck in lapw1
> Since it seemed to be throwing an appropriate error message with
> TASKSET previously unlike when set to "yes", probably you should
> change it back to "no".
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