[Wien] Bader

delamora delamora at unam.mx
Sun Mar 22 02:26:08 CET 2020

Dear WIEN2k community
I want to do bader analysis, but I find the usersguide difficult to use for the case.inaim;
The usersguide gives two very different inputs, with "CRIT" or "SURF" in the first line
Are these the only options? What do they mean?
The first case has 5 lines and the second has 8
These lines are not explaines.

There is supposedly ".../SRC aim/Notes.txt", but I did not find it in last two WIEN2k versions, there is only "bader.ps", but it does not deal in explaining the use of "aim"

So I need help to find how to run the aim package and how to read the results


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