[Wien] Symmetry adapted wanniers using wien to wannier interface

Banhi Chatterjee Banhi.Chatterjee at ijs.si
Wed Jul 6 19:42:12 CEST 2022

Dear users, 

I am interested in performing a symmetry adapted Wannierization using
the keyword  "site_symmetry=.true." in the .win file. However, this
needs an additional input file seedname.dmn (in addition to the amn, and
mmn files) which the wien2wannier interface (version 19.1) do not

Is there a way to do a symmetry adapted Wannier using the existing
versions of Wien2k and wien2wannier codes? 

Thanks a lot for your reply. 



Dr. Banhi Chatterjee
Post-doctoral researcher
Jozef stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
e-mail: Banhi.Chatterjee at ijs.si
        banhiphy at gmail.com
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