[Wien] A question for the direction of spin dipolar term in knight shift calculations

王郁欣 yxwang at iphy.ac.cn
Tue Jun 21 09:31:54 CEST 2022

Dear wien2k users, In Laskowski, R., Khoo, K., Haarmann, F., and Blaha, P. (2017),the spin dipolar term of hyperfine field only has z component.According to this,I have some questions about the calculations of spin dipolar term in knight shift:1.In that paper,what is the coordinates for Ga atoms?What is the relationship between this z directon and the direction of external magnetic field?2.If I apply a external magnetic field which is not along the z direction,how can I calculate the hyperfine field?Looking forward to your reply.Best wishes,Yuxin.
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