[Wien] mkl + debian

Andrei Postnikov apostnik at uni-osnabrueck.de
Mon Jun 30 17:25:49 CEST 2003

| >
| > the intel mkl libraries are only available in redhat rpm-packages, it seems.
| > Has anyone ever installed them on a machine with linux debian?  And how?  I
| > have linux debian version 2.4.20.

here are my notes how I installed MKL under debian without recompiling,
a better way might exist but this seemed to work without problem.
I wonder whether this still may help with latest versions...

--- Oct 30, 2002
Installation of the Intel(R) Math Kernel Library (MKL) for Linux, v 5.2

1. Download from

2. untar

3. run
rpm2cpio intel-mkl_sdk_e-5.2-3.i386.rpm > intel-mkl_sdk_e-5.2-3.i386.cpio
cpio -i -d -I intel-mkl_sdk_e-5.2-3.i386.cpio
(extract; create recursive directories)
This unpacks the whole directory tree opt/intel/mkl;
move the mkl subdirectory (as root) to /opt/intel/
(where Intel compiler already is).

Good luck,

Andrei Postnikov

 +----------  Dr. habil. Andrei Postnikov  -----  apostnik at uos.de  ----------+
 | Universitaet Osnabrueck - Fachbereich Physik, D-49069 Osnabrueck, Germany |
 +----------  Tel. +49-541-9692377  -------  Fax  +49-541-9692351  ----------+

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