[Wien] (no subject)

Stefaan Cottenier Stefaan.Cottenier at fys.kuleuven.be
Tue Oct 3 10:48:56 CEST 2006

> (1) One of the recommended options for system altix is:
>     R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS):     -L/opt/goto/lib -lgoto_it2 -lscs
>-L/opt/intel/mkl70/lib/64 -lvml
>       I change -L/opt/goto/lib   to   -L/opt/intel/fc/9.1.032/lib  
>       ------ i.e., replace goto by the real path. 
'goto' is a Japanese name, and should not be confused with the English 
phrase 'go to'. Goto is the name of a library (like mkl), and apparently 
this library is recommended for your system. Look where it is installed, 
and adapt the path accordingly. If it is not installed, search the web 
(I did not follow the story, probably goto is not a free library any 
more) or ask your administrator.

>       What does -lgoto_it2  mean?  What should I put in the place of goto?
That's the Itanium version of the goto library.

>(2) The on-screen instruction says "On shared memory system it is normally
>better to start jobs in the background rather than using remote commands". 
>Does it mean that we can not submit jobs using PBS ?
You still can, but if your environment allows it you'll probably get a 
better load balancing by just starting jobs in background (useful only 
if this is your private system. On systems with many users, you will use 
e.g. PBS to submit your job, but if after that you have a shared memory 
node with several cpu's at your disposal, you still can start jobs 'in 
the background' of that node, to achieve good load balancing on that 
specific node.


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