[Wien] SCF Cycle stops; if: event not found

Eric Kenney kenneyef at bc.edu
Thu Sep 6 16:07:41 CEST 2018

Good morning! I'm current on WIEN2k Version 18, and I'm having an issue
with an AFM calculation.

Currently, I'm trying to run a refinement on a AFM lattice using charge
convergence criterion.  I consistently get two cycles in before the process
suddenly stops with the message:

*if: event not found.*

This leaves behind no error messages or logs; just the *if: event not found*
statement std out.  The dayfile doesn't seem to show any abnormalities
either.  I've perused the help and mailing list, but I can't any topics
about this message.  Thus, I ask you kindly for your help.  Thank you.
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